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Kauai’s North Shore past the town of Hanalei is one of the most beautiful spots on Earth. This is a truly remarkable place, a tropical paradise with verdant mountains, lush jungles and golden beaches. The area was hit hard by record-breaking flooding a couple years back. Several huge landslides caused by the flooding closed the …

Read More about Kauai North Shore Visitors Guide

The December 26, 2019 Safari Aviation Inc. Kauai helicopter tour crash that killed seven people was caused by Safari’s lack of safety management processes to identify problematic meteorological conditions, reports the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in a report released on May 11th, 2022. The report also cited an atypical weather pattern, a delayed implementation …

Read More about NTSB: Fatal Kauai Helicopter Tour Crash in 2019 Was Preventable

Update May 2022: The proposal has been defeated and the Kauai Chickens are saved! Kauai Chickens are an endearing part of the Kauai experience. The chickens are often the first item returning visitors to Kauai look for when they arrive at the airport. There’s even a store dedicated to the Kauai Chickens, with shirts, hats …

Read More about Kauai Chickens Under Threat From Proposed Legislation